Tuesday 20 March 2012

It's SeCret!

Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera to everyone.

How are you?? Hopefully all of you guys in the pink of health. Last night, my friends and I went to Secret Recipe. Talking about secret recipe, forsure the price is agak mahal for us as student. However, we planned to go secret recipe since there is promotion Buy 3 FREE 1!!! This promotion is to celebrate Secret Recipe 15th anniversary! Happy birthday Secret!

This was my 1st time dine-in at Secret, so don't know what to eat. I just ordered something with 'pelik' name. And here it's:

Chicken Cordon Bleu

Chicken Cordon Bleu- basically, it's only chicken chop wrapped with chicken slice and cheese. It's served with sweet corn and french fries. The cheese is too little for me, hehehe.. If secret can improve in future, the taste will be much better!

Ilman ordered Chicken Parmiagana. Amboi, nama tak nak kalah! I admit the taste is different and simply nice with mozarella cheese. A bit taste of bolognaise there.

Chicken Parmiagana

For Aiman, he ordered Grilled Black Pepper Chicken since it's served with herb rice.. perut nasi, mane2 pergi mesti nak makan nasi.

Grilled Black Pepper Chicken - Muka tak sabar nk ngap!

For 1 FREE meal, we ordered Grilled Mushroom Chicken, nothing much different from Aiman's, just different gravy with some mushrooms. I don't know what kind of mushrooms, just telan.. hahaha.

Grilled Mushroom Chicken

The three of us were really full. Feeling no study at all. Tq Secret! For others, there's still time for you to enjoy these at Secret! This promo lasts until 25th March 2012. Click here to know more about the promotion. So, what are you waiting for? Hurry up or else you'll miss the chance! Assalamualaikum.

"Make your day full with prayers and forgiveness to Allah s.w.t"


  1. Replies
    1. pergilah rara... celebrate your 23th March there with others... ak nk ucap awal2... happy birthday to you in advance.. hoping become dr yg solehah... =D
