Friday 20 July 2012

Black Forrest Cake

Assalamualaikum and hi guys.

Tomorrow we'll going to start fasting. =D. Ramadhan is full of barakah. Don't forget to increase your ibadah towards Him. Make Ramadhan as starting point to change for a better khalifah.

Actually, today I'm going to share with you the blackforrest cake that I made for my mom. Her birthday was on 30th June. But, I had been busy with final examinations as a dental student. So, no time to update my blog. Hehehe. Sorry guys. This monday will be our last paper. Pray for us. Hopefully 100% pass with the barakah of dua from everyone and of course this coming Ramadhan. =D

For this black forrest cake, nothing much to say, I just used my simplest steamed chocolate cake recipe. You can click here for the recipe.

For the filling, I just used blueberry filling and topping whipping cream. Although simple, it's nice. Fuhhh, lega. =D

Selamat Hari Lahir Mak!

Semoga mak terus sihat, dimurahkan rezeki dan diberkati oleh Allah s.w.t. Assalamualaikum, selamat mencuba dan selamat menyambut Ramadhan al-Mubarak.
“Ya Allah, ampunkanlah dosaku, ampunkan dosa ibu bapaku dan rahmatilah mereka dengan kasih sayang-Mu, sebagaimana mereka menyayangiku ketika diriku masih kecil”.


  1. makin rajin kau skang. haha. btw "dental student"? bukan "dentistry" ke?

    1. haha.. entahlah dah jadi routine..balik rumah mesti nak buat something.. hahah... btw, a dental student in dentistry. =D

  2. wah2 besnya boleh buat kek! :D
    hebatnya majdud!!

    1. masih beginner tataq.. banyak lagi benda nak kena improve and belajar. =D
      ko pun boleh bake kan..
